Aircrete news

First cake is cut with remote plant commissioning: a service under new Aircrete Stay Connected. program


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Aircrete cuts the first cake with full remote plant commissioning on the last week of June in one of its latest projects in Asia, which is one of the many remote and on-line solutions under the Aircrete Stay Connected. program. We continue to support our global customers anywhere and anytime through our Aircrete Stay Connected. program, despite the international travel bans during the COVID-19 pandemic. Customers no longer have to wait for one of our engineers to be on site to have their installed equipment tested and move on to production.

Aircrete Stay Connected. program as a response to pandemic

The world is facing tough times on a global scale and many businesses, even entire industries are under heavy pressure and operating in survival mode. The COVID–19 outbreak has disrupted the daily routines and operations of many companies globally and forces them to find new solutions on how to best conduct their business and optimize their processes during the current pandemic. Organizations are facing travel restrictions and quarantine challenges which requires them to reduce direct contact between employees and their service providers.

Challenging times like these however also create an opportunity for organizations to analyse the current systems and operations and identify potential areas for maintenance and improvement to increase product quality, process optimization and/or cost savings. “Never waste a good crisis” as Winston Churchill famously said once.

The corona pandemic has made remote and virtual solutions more imperative and important than ever before. This also applies to the AAC industry. Still, taking advantage of this situation requires flexibility and creativity of both suppliers and customers.

Aircrete Europe’s Stay Connected. program is a new product range, based on existing plant services, but further optimized for maximum efficiency during the current pandemic. The Aircrete Stay Connected. program includes new features like Virtual Aircrete Plant Scan and Remote Equipment and Plant Commissioning services. Aircrete Europe is therefore fully able to continue to support its clients anywhere and anytime.

Stay Safe. Stay Connected En

The solutions under the Stay Connected. program are optimized for maximum efficiency

Solutions under Aircrete Stay Connected. program

The Stay Connected. program offers different solutions that are all created with the aim to increase product quality, optimize production processes and realize cost savings of AAC factory owners.

  • Virtual Aircrete Plant Scan: Optimize the health of your AAC factory operations and maximize plant availability. A team of Aircrete professionals joins local operators through a live connection and “walks” with them through the factory, area by area, to identify all the challenges and provide an independent diagnosis of root cause issues and actionable insights in a detailed report. You can read more about the details of this service in the “Plant Scan – Optimize AAC production by understanding cost drivers” article published in AAC Worldwide 2 | 2019.


  • Remote Equipment & Plant Commissioning: Together with experienced local operators, Aircrete Europe is able to perform installation commissioning services of equipment (and even full factories) from a distance, limiting downtime and avoiding projects delay for its customers. An important feature here is the specially developed remote commissioning safety concept, to ensure that the commission can be performed in a safe manner.


  • Remote Aircrete Plant Maintenance: Aircrete team of engineers monitor client’s operations and analyse actual operation’s data remotely, following detailed advice and instructions on how to improve mechanical, electrical and chemical aspects of the production process. Many clients have already made use of this product and often, this service ensures an early identification of the mechanical issues before they become real failures.


  • Remote Aircrete Instant Assistance: Whenever there is a critical failure of the factory that cannot be solved locally, a team of Aircrete engineers are available 24/7 to assist remotely on electrical, mechanical and chemical issues.


  • Aircrete e-Docs: A full set of technical digital tools, such as Aircrete Plant Management Book and available 3D models of equipment are a great addition and support when performing Stay Connected. services.

Top benefits of Aircrete Stay Connected. program

Helmet Stay Connected V2

A big advantage of the Stay Connected. program is that it can be offered at a significant discount rate, due to less time and costs involved.

As for the physical plant scan services, Aircrete Europe can offer services from the Stay Connected. program without language barriers, as Aircrete’s team of engineers speak 18 different languages.

Having customers on every single continent, we are accustomed to working around the world and around the clock. Our professional team of engineers are well equipped to assist the AAC plants with an extensive range of services. Whether it is a virtual plant scan together with one of your operators or raw material analysis and process optimization we are ready to help. Even if there are specific challenges in your factory that may require possible upgrades or replacement of machinery, contact us now to discuss a maintenance visit of an Aircrete team at your facility for the second half of this year.

#StaySafe and #StayConnected !

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